Sunday, February 13, 2011

Getting Ready to Move

We are moving in less than two weeks now.

While I'm really excited, this wretched back of mine certainly puts a damper on things.  I'm able to pack one or two boxes at a time before I have to sit down and rest because of the pain.  My youngest, who would be willing to help, is sick today, running a fever, and my oldest is allergic to work.  Because she lives with her dad it's pretty hard to motivate her, threaten her or force her to help me.  Hopefully guilt will kick in.

As I pack, I'm taking a long hard look at what I own.  There is nothing like a move to help one downsize and reflect on the usefulness of an item.  I'm keeping things I wouldn't have previously (like worn towels and sheets) and getting rid of things that I formerly found to be necessities (5 different curling irons!)

I'm packing our clothing in clear recycling bags, to be taken over to the new place before the guys and the truck come to move the furniture and heavier items.  I'm also planning on getting my kitchen stuff over there and set up the day before the move - it will really help me feed all the awesome friends that are helping.

How did I select my new apartment? Well, with prepping in mind.

I may be repeating myself (old age at 41!) but first and foremost, it's easily defendable.  It has one heavy wooden door as a main-floor entry and no other access except through second story windows.  We will be getting our new watchdog tomorrow, who, although gentle and quiet, has the loud resounding bark of a much bigger dog.  He's a 60 pound golden lab, 6 years old, and we are adopting him from a rescue organization. He has a hip issue that causes him to limp, but is otherwise sound.  The issue has been there since he was a pup (he was abused) and he doesn't seem to be in pain - his hip just developed differently and the one leg is shorter.  With my current state of gimpiness, I'm perfectly cool with a somewhat decrepit dog. *wink*

Secondly, the apartment is much bigger than the one we currently live in.  It has about 950 sq feet vs. 600 and the bonus of a full walk-up attic for all our preps!  (I'm so psyched about that attic!) I wish that there was a gas stove, but unfortunately all of the appliances are electric.  Well, you can't have everything, at least not when you rent.  I have a small backyard in which I'm, allowed to garden (or try very hard to), an expansive front porch for outdoor cooking, and a huge sunny kitchen with a laundry area where I can start seeds, dry foods and putter around to my heart's content.

Next on the list of benefits is the cheap rent.  It is 400 a month less than what I am paying now - all of which can be saved for preps and a secluded house ....somewhere - hopefully well before the SHTF.

All I've gotta do now is get there - moving sucks!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Daisey. Movin sux. I was wondering if you could invite me to the christian prreppers blog? Guess an invite is needed. Been prepping for years and still learning. Have a wonderful day.
