Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Decision to Become a Vegetarian

Prepping has a lot to do with my decision to become a vegetarian.

I was searching for a way to reduce my grocery bill.  I looked at my grocery receipts for the previous month and realized that nearly 70% of the bill was meat purchases. I was spending over $500 a month on food. How was a single mom on a tight budget ever going to manage to stockpile food?

This led me to consider some other cold hard facts.  Could I ever slaughter and gut an animal with my own two hands?  Wouldn't it be twice as difficult if I had raised that animal?  I'm pretty sure that I would have a really tough time of that grisly task.  I know I could do whatever I had to if survival required it, but that's just somewhere I'd rather not go.

If I had no electricity to run a freezer, how would I preserve all the meat I planned to stockpile?  The answer at this point, became simple.  Life would be easier for me as a vegetarian.  I can store mountains of beans and grains with little effort and it will be far easier for me to produce those things in the future.  Instead of making a dramatic change of lifestyle post-SHTF, I'd rather make the change now and learn to cook these items in tasty and simple ways.  Making the transition now also helps me to know what seasonings and other staples I need to stockpile.

Going vegetarian might not be the right choice for everyone, but for our situation it seems the best course of action.

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